
Uniting Evangelicals to bless Canada in the name of Jesus

Ignite Prayer Canada: A vision for nationwide local houses of prayer

The partnership Ignite Prayer Canada shared a compelling vision during its online launch gathering Sept. 19, 2024.

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On the Faith Today website

"Watch the Lamb. Mark Buchanan on how the Easter story is bigger than we imagine." Posted March 1. Aussi en français.

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Ask your MP to support charitable status

Ask your MP to support advancing religion as a charitable purpose and to reject the Finance Committee recommendation to remove it.

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Letter to the minister of finance on religious charities

Calling for preservation of "advancement of religion" as a charitable purpose, rejecting a recent Finance Committee recommendation to...

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Forgiveness and justice

Should Christians extend forgiveness even in cases of traumatic or violent sin or unrepentance? EFC President David Guretzki reflects.

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A relational religion

We get to offer the practical gift of friendship and presence to people who feel hopeless or despairing, a tangible sign of God’s love.

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It’s time to protect kids online

Topic: Pornography

When should kids have a smartphone? How should what they see online be monitored or restricted? What about easy access to pornography?

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Religious freedom of Christian hospitals

EFC Senior Ambassador Bruce Clemenger discusses modelling Christian ethics in the public square.

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Standing Together Against Hate Based on Religious Identity

The Canadian Interfaith Conversation issued a statement by 60 faith traditions and institutions, including the EFC and many affiliates.

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EFC Podcasts


60 Days & Counting: Syrian Christians in Uncertain Times

Micheline Makkar has been making disciples in Syria for over twenty years and has experienced the challenges Christians face. Now with new political reality and uncertainty after the demise of the Assad regime, Syria's Christians face new challenges. Micheline gives insight into this new reality and the past and present presence of Christians as salt and light and the church as a centre of reconciliation. 


Audiences and Congregations

Church is not theatre, and yet there are things we can learn from theatre, and those who study it. Dr. Scott Mealey, who has also been a pastor, talks to us about his research on audience experience, and what it can teach us about how newcomers experience church.

Helping kids grow in faith at home through little habits

Christie Thomas is an author, parent and children’s ministry leader in Alberta. Her latest book "Little Habits, Big Faith: How Simple Practices Help Your Family Grow in Jesus" was published by NavPress in 2024. She chatted with Bill Fledderus about how parents can help plant seeds of faith and help them grow in our children.

"It's a Different Thing to be Attacked by a Brother" - 3 Years of War in Ukraine

Ivan Rusyn is president of Ukraine Evangelical Theological Seminary. He survived the initial siege of Kyiv in February 2022, helped many escape across the infamous Romaniv Bridge at Irpin, and continues to serve and strengthen Ukrainian leaders and churches for life and witness in the midst of the ongoing and wearying war. Ivan will share about his own experience, the hope in the midst of ongoing challenge, and why Ukrainian Christians need the global church family still and in the future.

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