

Abortion & Fetal Rights

Abortion access in Canada is among the freest in the world. Canada has no criminal laws regulating or prohibiting abortion.


Abuse violates human dignity and can have devastating, life-long impacts. Abuse is mistreatment of or violence toward a person.


As Christians, we have been adopted into God’s family through Christ. Adoption is a key concept in our faith and a natural expression of it.

Centre for Faith and Public Life

CFPL staff interact with government and the courts on issues of concern and encourage positive action by citizens.

Centre for Ministry Partnership and Innovation

CMPI staff facilitate collaboration among EFC affiliates and partners to support ministries and congregations in specific areas such as rejecting racism and family faith formation.

Centre for Research on Church and Faith

CRCF staff research Canadian cultural trends and the Church’s activities, to help us understand and serve better as the Church. Our research is done in partnerships.

Children and Youth

Children and youth can be more vulnerable because of their age and stage of development, so it is especially important to care for them and promote their well-being.

Church & Faith Trends

Understanding Canadian church and faith trends helps us better explain who we are as Evangelicals, helps us understand our place in the broader culture, and helps us make better ministry decisions.

Church & Mission

Christians everywhere are called to witness to God’s love in all aspects of their personal lives and in their involvement in the world around them.


Christians are called to actively seek the good of those around us and our country (Jeremiah 29:5-6). Our participation in voting, politics and public policy discussions are part of our witness.


The EFC provides a platform for gathering ministry leaders and fostering partnership development.


Parents have primary responsibility for nurturing and educating children. The Bible tells us that we are responsible to teach our children about what God has done.


God's love and care for creation is evident throughout the Bible.  In Genesis, God declared good each new part of creation.

Euthanasia & Assisted Suicide

Canada has legalized euthanasia and assisted suicide, known as medical assistance in dying (MAiD), under certain circumstances. These practices deliberately and intentionally cause a person’s death.


Evangelicals are a significant segment of the Christian population in Canada. Almost half of the 24,000 Christian congregations in Canada are Evangelical.


Family is the primary source of support for many Canadians. Yet many families feel the weight of a number of economic, social and relational stressors, and are experiencing breakdown.

Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is a form of modern slavery in which a person is exploited through forced labour or forced prostitution, by threats of violence, use of force, deception or coercion.

Indigenous Relations

How can we journey toward right relationship? Learn about our Seven Commitments (2020), the 1995 Reconciliation Proclamation, our new Reconciliation Through Relationships program, and more.

Interfaith and Interchurch

Evangelical Christians in Canada are finding opportunity to work collaboratively with people from other Christian traditions and with those from non-Christian faith traditions as well.


We work out our common calling and service together, as salt and light to those around us. We bear witness about the wisdom of God’s word and the redemption offered in the person of Jesus.   

Palliative Care

Palliative Care alleviates suffering and offers care for those who have been diagnosed with a life-threatening illness and those who are at the end of life.


The EFC is raising awareness of the impact of pornography, including the public health effects of graphic, violent, sexual images.

Poverty and Homelessness

God calls us to care for those who are vulnerable. To love our neighbour is the second greatest commandment, after loving God.


People often enter into prostitution as a last resort. Prostitution treats people as sexual property that can be bought and sold, and violates human dignity.


A refugee is a person who has fled their country because of persecution, war or violence.

Religious Freedom in Canada

Religious freedom is critical to our quest to know and worship God. Living out our religious beliefs includes gathering together to worship God, teach, do good works, and share our faith.

Religious Freedom Internationally

We are to remember those who are persecuted for their faith. "Remember me in my chains," pleads the apostle Paul in Colossians 4:18.

Reproductive & Genetic Technologies

God calls us to protect and respect human life, to care for the vulnerable and to support families.


The Bible describes the wisdom that comes with age and calls us to honour and care for our elders. Life is a gift from God for us to respect and protect through all its stages.